Wednesday, January 10, 2007



The previous post was out of character for me, I thought it might require a bit of explanation, as opposed to just deleting it. Over at PL's (see link on left) there was a discussion regarding the difference between what men want and women want in regards to sexual fantasy. The standard male fantasy, the Mark One Mod Zero version - usually revolves around the female nymphomaniac stranger attacking the hapless male who despite the surprise fully services his lusty female attacker, and then she abandons him immediately after the deed to reside only in sweaty memory. There are many variations on this theme, but one only needs to peruse the men's magazines where the stories sent in by readers invariably begin, "I never thought these stories were true until the other night I had an experience which changed my mind..."

It is true that men are more visual, and with that in mind I related an encounter taken directly from my experience with the hopes that I could bring more than just the visual to it. I wrote it without editing it, I simply tried to convey the experience leading up to the final act without focusing entirely on the visual. I believe I failed, there is far more visual description than tactile.

I was successful at painting a portrait of the backdrop, which was more my goal than to wax pornographic, hence the abrupt ending. There was something achieved in this undertaking though, and that is that the next time I am in a situation like this I will pay more attention to what else is happening besides what I can immediately see and feel. I think that the heightened awareness may prove illuminating, if not ultimately enjoyable.

I believe I failed

You certainly did. That wasn't male visual porn at all. It wasn't sleazy! It wasn't gross! It wasn't brutal or impersonal or crass or lame or insensitive! It wasn't objectifying! It wasn't completely unrealistic! It was...NICE! It actually is the sort of thing which APPEALS TO WOMEN!

How DARE you.
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