Monday, February 19, 2007


Opposition: Sex and Love

I have recently blogged a wee bit over at Pretty Lady's concerning the difference between love and sex. There are a few simple rules that must be understood if a lady wishes to catch a man and get both love and sex from him. There are striking differences between the two, and careful attention should be paid to all portions of this text.

1. Sex is a biological function to men, similar to hunger. Without compelling reason, most men see no reason not pursue sex in the same way that a hungry person pursues a sandwich. Compelling reasons to not have sex include morality, discretion and intelligence. To remove all pretense, you can equate the male sex drive to eating food. While we strive to eat healthy to provide real nourishment, we occasionally desire a Quarter Pounder with cheese. The burger provides a tasty meal, but gives little nutrition. The same can be said of sex, the casual fling is the equivalent of the QP, not very good for you but is still satisfying on some level. This is a fair metaphor for casual sex to a male.

2. Sex in the confines of a serious commitment with love bears little resemblance to the above paragraph. Men have the luxury of attaching significant emotional content to sex when in a relationship, however this luxury can easily backfire when they are rejected by their beloved. In the female mind, the man is a dog who will copulate with anything provided there is an available orifice and remains relatively motionless, and so expects her man to constantly be on the prowl. The truth is that once committed and in love, a rejection is taken personally since he has gone to the effort of attaching powerful emotional weight to the sexual act. Some men are devastated when the woman they love continually spurns their advances, she believing that he is simply looking for friction while he is genuinely expressing love, something many men find hard to do openly. This basic misunderstanding comprises much of the conflict within committed relationships. While it is possible to have recreational sex with a woman you love, it is still not the same thing as uncommitted sex, at all.

Of course, there will be those men who disagree with this and say that they never ever feel any emotions and sex is something they get constantly by legions of adoring females and they never think twice about it. I would say that these men are either lying or lack the intelligence to know any better. If you are a man or woman who feels nothing but the physical aspect and release in the sexual act and it has no other effect on you at all I would refer to you to the first paragraph and remind you that a strict diet of Quarter Pounders is not a healthy thing. There is a much greater menu available to you if you will skip the drive-through and sit down to a decent meal.

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