Thursday, March 08, 2007


I started reading S.M. Stirling's "Dies the Fire" yesterday and I am very intrigued by the progress so far. What I know is the following: There was an unexplained flash of light that occurred simultaneously all over the world, and in it's wake nothing electronic works anymore, no lights, no phones, no circuits are functional. In addition, the physics of the world have changed and things like gunpowder and dynamite no longer work. So all the guns and modern weapons are now useless, and the technology has been knocked effectively back 400 years or more.

The story so far is following two main sets of characters, one an ex-Marine pilot who was ferrying a family when his plane crashed due to the Change, and a female Celtic musician who also happens to be a high priestess in the Wiccan religion. Both are witnessing the beginning of the decay of civilization as the power may be gone for good, and most people are not prepared to deal with the reality of 1600's lifestyles thrust on them in a microsecond.

I have read most of the post-apocalyptic fiction out there, and this does not seem to be the same retread of "Alas, Babylon" or worse, survivalist pulp fiction with steely-jawed men who never run out of ammo for their automatic rifles. The fact that they cannot use explosives or guns and that the Renaissance Festival folks seem best prepared to deal with this brave new world is an interesting and refreshing take on the question of what happens when the lights go out for good.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


This one's for the ladies... Fellas, listen closely.

There are Five Classic Scams. This is Number Two.

I am sharing this with you ladies since you will see this scam, or variations thereof in your dealings with men of low character. I offer this information in the hopes that women will stop playing the Game, because the dumbest thing ever said is "Don't hate the player, hate the Game." Idiots, no players = no game. In addition, this particular scam works the best on the good girls, and in the end makes them believe there are no Good Guys, which of course is bullshit.


You have to have enough on the ball to get the new girl to someplace where you are kissing, petting etc. and there is enough privacy to actually do the deed. This could be her house, your flat, a friend's bedroom - wherever you could actually have sex with little fear of interruption. If you cannot get here, stop reading and work on your conversational skills.

At some point during this epic makeout session it is likely that the girl will put the brakes on the action, because she does not want you to think she is a slut and will fall into bed with every silver-tongued raconteur that spins a witty yarn. It is your job to detect the beginnings of this subtle refusal, and right when she is about to say "Hold on, stop. Let's talk about this for a second" instead YOU stop, and pull away, but not too far.

You should appear embarrassed, and somewhat flustered when you tell the girl that she is a cool person, and that you definitely like her but you don't want to take things here that fast and that you really want to get to know her better before you take this next step of getting physical. It is critical that this be done convincingly.

If she believes you, she will now believe that you respect her, and are interested in her rather just getting laid. With a minor amount of encouraging, she will do the rest of the work to get you into the sack as she now actually likes and wants you. You can put your hands behind your head and enjoy the ride.


Horrified? Or angry now that you have heard this before? The sad part about this scam is that a Good Guy might stop and say these things in all sincerity and the woman who has heard this before will think that he is a cad pulling a short con. Of course, the best way to test for caddishness is to hold yourself to a higher standard of virtue, and if you make discretion your watchword - Then you will not fall prey to this scam or any of the other Classic Four.

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