Friday, June 08, 2007


De profundis clamo ad te Domine

Oddly enough I am not terribly happy about this. I feel like I should gloat, and that justice has been served on a selfish spoiled brat who has the power to make her life into whatever she wanted it to be, and instead used that power not for good but rather turned her life into a tawdry spectacle and her body into a cum-dumpster.

But I am not finding any gloating, I am not feeling the "yeah!" feeling that I guess I should have. What I see in that shot is a foolish young girl who is receiving her first taste of reality, and finding it quite unpalatable.

It's probably too much to hope for that this experience will be the catalyst to change her life into something worth saving, but at the end of the day the fact remains that Jesus loves her as much as he does the rest of us. So I am not going to celebrate her fall, instead I will ask God to open her heart and show her a better way.

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